Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release
It is a safe and effective hands-on technique involving gentle, continuous pressure into the myofascial connective tissues to remove pain and restore motion. The use of myofascial release takes each patient as a unique individual with their own pain points and hence a customised one-on-one therapy session. Our trained and experienced physiotherapists perform each treatment directly on the skin without any oil or cream or equipment. This helps to detect fascial restrictions accurately and apply the right amount of sustained pressure to help in the release of the fascia.
What are the benefits of Myofascial Release:
- Helps in correcting Muscle Imbalance
- Improved neuromuscular efficiency
- Increases blood flow
- Relaxes our muscles
We are one of the best chiropractic / physiotherapy clinics that use Myofascial release therapy for the treatment of muscle & its related pain. Our team of top-notch chiropractors led by Dr. Hitesh Khurana endeavors to provide excellent outcomes when it comes to myofascial release. The prime objective to conduct the myofascial release is to improve the wellbeing of patients by applying gentle pressure into the Myofascial connective tissues.
We strive to consult, suggest and aid to get early recovery from the pain, improve flexibility, enhance strength, and make them aware of necessary precautions that should be adopted. Our comprehensive sessions are based on hands-on treatments where we use various Myofascial Release techniques to achieve intended results. We also guide them to perform myofascial release exercise.
Myofascial Release
We perform Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) to treat the patients having myofascial release syndrome. And generally, the entire treatment therapy is based on the elimination of muscular shortness and tightness that is caused by any means including injury. The treatment also includes the pain in the body parts such as the ongoing back, hip, shoulder or other virtual pain. Moreover, there are many myofascial release benefits including reducing the pain and restoring the movements. Meanwhile, our panel of experts also treat the following:
- Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder
- Fibromyalgia (Migraine Headaches)
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
Hands-On Treatment
We perform the MFR session without the use of add-ons such as oils, creams or machines. Preliminary, we locate the area of fascia & check the level of loss of motion and symmetry. The session may be limited to at least 30 minutes and but optimally 50 minutes per session. We check the intensity of pain or disability the therapy may attain a period of a few weeks or months. Our professional sports injury specialists, chiropractors, and physiotherapists perform the Myofascial Release Therapy session while analyzing the severity of in relaxing ambience. Contact Us if you feel back, neck, shoulder or any type of pain associated with muscles.
Additional Treatments
Myofascial release therapy is an alternative and complementary treatment for pain. However, in case of necessity, we can use a perfect blend of therapy and techniques such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and manipulation.
Other Services
- Chiropractic
- Slip Disc Treatment
- Spine Alignment
- Sciatica Treatment
- Posture Correction
- Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) Treatment
- Coccyx Pain, Coccydynia or Tail Bone Pain
- All Types Of Backpain Treatment
- Dry Needling
- Sports Injury Treatment
- Cupping Therapy
- Neck Pain Treatment
- Soft Tissue Mobilization
- Myofascial Release
- Knee Injury And Treatments – (Osteoarthritis)
- Joint Manipulation
- Cervical Spine Pain
- Pelvic Floor Pain & Tightness
- Shoulder Pain
- Neuro Physiotherapy
- Kinesio Taping
- Brain Stroke & Paralysis
- Ergonomy Training Classes
- Home Care Physiotherapy Service
- Disc Bulge
- Ankle Pain Treatment
- Physiotherapy & Manual Therpy
- Weight Loss