We’re familiar with Back pain. Most of the people suffer from the lower back pain problem, and approximately 80 percent of the population faces this issue at some point in their lifetime. It hampers our day-to-day activities and lifestyle. It makes patients weak and uncomfortable. We should not neglect this and go for back pain treatment as early as possible.
In this article we’ll discuss the various back pain causes and treatments.
Back Pain Causes
There are several factors which may cause back pain which includes muscle or ligament strain, osteoporosis, arthritis, bulging or ruptured disks, and improper movement of the spinal joints.
Moreover few activities may lead to back pain which includes lifting something in an appropriate manner. Or to deal with the abrupt or awkward movement.
But most known back pain causes are related to structural problems, however other medical conditions can play a vital role in back pain.
If we go in a brief intro we find that cancer of spine, sleep disorders, infection in spine, shingles come to light.
Risk Factors
There are several factors which may lead to developing a lower back pain problem. Where sedentary lifestyle, smoking, occupation, older age, lack of exercises, obesity, genetic, and medical conditions.
Moreover, hormonal imbalance or presence of anxiety, depression, stress and mood disorders can influence the lower back pain.
Back Pain Diagnosis
The Doctor will go for a comprehensive diagnosis after carrying out a physical examination and will ask for the symptoms. After the complete diagnosis it becomes easy to carry out the back pain treatment.
Here CT Scan, X-rays, MRI, EMG are used to check the status, intensity and find the root causes.
CT Scan:- It’s well known to discover the problems with the spine. Where lumbar CT Scan is much useful to find out the back pain accompanied with fever. It helps in the finding the infections, diseases, and injuries in the spine. In broader sense it works better to check the problems linked with tissues, nerves, blood vessels, and herniated disks.
XRays:- This provides you a better idea of causes of pain in your spine. In most cases, a physiotherapist can ask for anteroposterior or a lateral view x rays. We can find how the bones are aligned, or can see the broken bones. Signs of arthritis can be checked.
Bone Scan:- It’s quite helpful in finding the tumors or any type of compression fracture which is caused by osteoporosis.
EMG:- This type of diagnosis works on the electrical impulses caused by nerves where reflexes and muscle strength are to be checked. Needles are inserted to check the response.
Back Pain Treatment
There are several treatments methods available for back pain, and every treatment is used according to the complexity of the pain. However, there are certain types including the few involved for a short period while few for long duration.
For acute pain, pain reliever might work but if the intensity of pain is severe than other modes of treatments such as medications or therapies are used.
For back pain treatment , medication such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are effectively useful. The drugs may include the ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. Muscle relaxants is another good option for you, if your mild to moderate pain does not get relief with the use of OTC pain relievers. However this may produce some sort of side effects such as sleepiness and dizziness. Meanwhile creams, and ointments can also do wonder for your skin.
Apart from the above options there are few other options available in the market such as injections, and antidepressant. Which have their own advantages. Antidepressants are used to relieve some sort of chronic back pain.
In case you do not get relief from the then your doctor may inject the cortisone – a well known anti-inflammatory medication or any sort of numbing medication in the spinal cord area. Which may further lower down the inflammation around the nerve roots.
Physical Therapy and Exercises
While going through the physical exercises there are certain types of techniques and approaches to provide relief from the back pain. Physical therapy includes heat, ultrasound, electrical stimulation and muscle-release techniques. Exercises are the best options to deal with lower back pain. This may be helpful to maintain the body posture, and to provide relaxation from the pain.
Back Pain Exercises
There are several back pain exercises associated with lower back pain including – partial crunches, hamstring stretches, wall sit, press-up back extensions, bird dog, knee to chest, pelvic tilt, glute bridges etc.
If your intensity of the pain does not decrease then people need surgery for treatment. Mainly it’s useful for the treatment of structural related problems, where this may include narrowing of the spine, or a herniated disk.
Best Physiotherapist Clinic in Delhi
Anodyne Spine is one stop solution for all your spine related needs, where we offer a wide range of services in relation to the spine pain. Our world-class physical therapy treatments effectively work for any mild to moderate pain. We have specialization in back pain, neck pain, leg pain, sciatic, and severe spinal stenosis. Today we are recognised as the best physiotherapist clinic in Delhi. A team of experienced physiotherapists can provide you with a better guide for back pain exercises.