
Do's & Don't Wrist Pain

Do's for Wrist Pain

Rest and Give Time to Heal

Apply Ice: Applying ice for 15-20 minutes can help reduce swelling and pain.

Use a Brace: Wearing a wrist brace or splint can provide support and limit movement, promoting healing.

Gentle Stretching

Consult a Doctor: If the pain persists, consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Don't for Wrist Pain

Avoid Overexertion: Don't engage in activities that strain your wrist or cause discomfort.

Don't Ignore Persistent Pain

Limit Repetitive Movements: Avoid excessive repetitive movements that can exacerbate wrist pain.

Don't Self-Diagnose: Avoid self-diagnosis; accurate diagnosis requires a medical professional.

Avoid Ignoring Numbness or Tingling