
Do's & Don't Ankle Pain

Do's for Ankle Pain

Rest: Give your ankle time to heal by avoiding strenuous activities.

Ice: Apply ice to reduce swelling and pain, but not directly on the skin.

Compression: Use a bandage or brace to support the ankle and reduce swelling.

Elevation: Elevate your ankle above heart level to help reduce swelling.

Gentle Movement: Perform gentle ankle stretches and exercises.

Don't for Ankle Pain

Avoid Prolonged Activity: Refrain from activities that worsen the pain.

Skip Rest: Don't push through the pain.

Heat: Avoid heat treatments during the first 48 hours.

Alcohol and Smoking: These can hinder the healing process, so try to avoid them.

Improper Footwear: Don't wear shoes that don't provide proper support.

Ignoring Severe Pain